Side 'C' Films


Focusing on the unity of the quirky and the truthful. 


A girl desperate to form a Motorcycle Club in hopes to relive the glory of her mother's memory. Follow CC as she searches for her gang and the unlikely characters that she encounters.
Music by Fymm

This film, at current, is making its way through the festival circuit. Stay tuned for its public release 2020.

This film, at current, is making its way through the festival circuit. Stay tuned for its public release 2020.


WHISPERS premiered at the BackYard Film Fest 2016 in New Orleans, LA. Created from the theme "Strangers". 

Through strangers, a girl discovers her parallel universe. Which one will she choose? 



UNITE THE JUNK premiered at the BackYard Film Fest 2017 in New Orleans, LA. Created from the theme"Junk".

We all have junk, baggage, and crutches, those are the things that make us human. With all the hate, hurt, and disappointment happening in the world today, lets not forget to laugh a little, sing a little, and above all, love a little.


Freedom is in the sand. 



Winning "Best Short" at the BEST SHORTS COMPETITION 2014. In association with WildHarrison Productions & A.R.C. Productions bring you THE BANANA THEORY.

A quirky short film about one girls obscure theory on life.